Potential use cases and projects

Potential use cases and projects

Over time, I have accumulated potential use cases and projects, and links to (or copies of) data sets that could be reformulated into an RTS.  I (Bill Hogan) created this page to catalog them.  It could also serve as a useful starting point for student/fellow projects, etc.

Synthetic Occupancy Generator

We have data from Dr. John Talburt (UALR) that was created by a software application called the Synthetic Occupancy Generator.  We could put these data into RTS.   Key unsolved challenges: address data in RTS.  Benefit: RTS can track person's addresses over time easily.

Project Cypress Meaningful Use Test Data

The National Institute for Standards and Technology initiated Project Cypress to create software that automatically performs compliance testing of EHRs, as to whether they are conformant to "Meaningful Use" (no time to go into gory details of EHR Meaningful Use.  Go Google it if you are unfamiliar).

The Project Cypress site has test EHR data sets that I downloaded and put in the RTS shared Dropbox folder.

Belly Button Biodiversity

There are data available about microorganisms that live in the human navel.  The project site has data for download that could be a rich source of RTS projects, and moving the software and required ontology forward significantly.  Lots of potential queries that would drive forward the RTS equivalent of SQL.  I think I downloaded a dataset in 2011 or 2012 that lives in the RTS shared Dropbox folder.

Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) Public file

The ORCID organization has released a public data file (warning: first version, compressed, is 550MB).