Name change for PtoDR template?

Name change for PtoDR template?

At ICBO 2013, when I gave the RTS tutorial, Barry Smith suggested changing the name of the PtoDR template to PtoDE, where DE stands for digital entity.

The rationale for the change is that not every string represents something.  And thus what are really in the template are merely digital entities, which may or may not be a representation of something.  At first, this rationale seemed perfectly logical and the change a good one, which would be relatively straightforward (although carrying the name change all the way throughout the current RDBMS implementation would not be trivial).

However, each such digital entity is linked to a particular (denoted by the iuip parameter) via the PtoDR template.  And it is in fact this particular that is represented by the digital entity.

For example, if we are representing Barry Smith's name, his name gets an IUI (say IUISmithName), this IUI is in the PtoDR template, and we link this IUI to the digital entity "Barry Smith" in the template.  "Barry Smith" is indeed a representation of Barry Smith's name.

The semantics of PtoDR is that the entity denoted by iuip is concretized as a digital entity.  

Which subsequently raises the question: are concretizations representations?  Answer: yes.  But does the string represent the name or Barry himself?