


There are nine fundamental template types in which to store data in a referent tracking system (RTS).

They are:

assignmentACaptures the assignment of an IUI to a particular (or instance)
temporal entityTeCaptures the assignment of an IUI to a temporal entity, as well as the basic type (interval vs. instant) of the temporal entity. This template is a "shortcut" combination of assignment and particular-to-universal for temporal entities. It and the Ten template help to reduce significantly the number of templates needed to capture temporal entities and their names.
temporal entity nameTenCaptures the name of a temporal entity (e.g. "2013-10" for the month of October in the Gregorian Calendar according to the ISO 8601 standard). Names of other entities are explicitly represented with an A template (assign IUI to name), a PtoP template (relate name to the entity it designates), and a PtoDR template (relate name to its concretized form).
particular to universalPtoUCaptures the assertion that a particular, identified by an IUI, is related to a universal by a particular relation. It is typically used for the instance of relation.
particular to particularPtoPCaptures the assertion that two particulars are related by a particular relation such as part of.
particular lacks universalPtoLackUCaptures the assertion that a particular lacks a specific relation r to any instance of a universal.
particular to conceptPtoCoCaptures the annotation of a particular with a concept from a concept-based terminology. It does NOT assert that the particular is an instance of a given type (or universal), is related to other particulars by specific relations, or lacks a relation to any instance of a given universal.
particular to digital entityPtoDECaptures the relationship between information content entities and their concretization as an encoded string of binary digits. Note that the purist way of doing things would be to assign an IUI to evey unique character string in some set of characters. But since each such unique string can serve as its own identifier, it seems very inefficient. Trying to keep two or more RTSs in synch so that they all have the same IUI for the string "befuddled" would be befuddling indeed.
metadataDCaptures data about templates. More formally, we have reconfigured the metadata template to represent an event that occurs inside the RTS itself.


The assignment template captures the assignment of an instance unique identifier (IUI) to a particular (or instance) in reality.

iuipThe IUI that has been assigned to a particularIUIs that designate entities (other than temporal regions or templates themselves) must first be assigned using an A template.
iuiaThe IUI that designates the entity who assigned iuip to a particularTo avoid infinite regress, somewhere early on in the RTS, some person must assign an IUI to herself.
tapThe time when the assignment was madeTo avoid complexities of using temporal region IUIs here, we simply use an ISO8601 compliant date/time string (e.g., 2013-10-31T14:48:32.234-05:00)
iuitThe IUI of the A template itselfEvery template gets an IUI that is referenced minimally by one metadata template


The particular-to-universal template captures the assertion that a given particular is an instance of a given universal.  It can also be used to capture other particular-universal (a.k.a. instance-type) relations, such as is_about.

iuipThe IUI that designates the particular that is the subject of this template 
iuiaThe IUI that designates the author of this template 
taThe IUI that designates the temporal region at which this PtoU assertion was made 
instThe relation that holds between the particular denoted by iuip and the universal denoted by uuiIt is called "inst" because it is typically the is instance of relation, but other relations can be used here such as is about.
uuiThe UUI that designates the universal to which the particular is relatedTypically a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) from an OWL ontology. But not necessary.
iuioThe IUI of the ontology from which uui and inst were obtainedIncreasingly, this parameter seems irrelevant. Although MIREOT allows that a given URI for a universal could come from any number of ontologies, it is not clear that it is valuable to say which one it came from specifically. Furthermore, we might have taken the relation (inst) and uui from different ontologies. It is not clear how to handle that situation either.
trThe temporal region during which the relation inst holds between the particular (iuip) and universal (uui) 
iuitThe IUI of the template itselfEvery template gets an IUI that is referenced minimally by one metadata template.


The temporal entity template captures both the assignment of an IUI to, and the basic type (instance vs. interval) of, a given temporal region.  With the Ten template, it simplifies management of temporal entities and their names.

iuipThe IUI that has been assigned to a temporal regionIUIs that designate a temporal region must first be assigned using a Te template.
iuiaThe IUI that designates the entity who assigned iuip to a particularThe entity that assigned the IUI to the temporal region.
tapThe time when the assignment was madeTo avoid complexities of using temporal region IUIs here, we simply use an ISO8601 compliant date/time string (e.g., 2013-10-31T14:48:32.234-05:00).
uuiThe basic type of the temporal region, according to Basic Formal OntologyEither temporal interval or temporal boundary (a.k.a. temporal instant).
iuitThe IUI of the Te template itselfEvery template gets an IUI that is referenced minimally by one metadata template.


The temporal entity name template captures exactly one name of a given temporal entity, including the assignment of an IUI to the name.  With the Te template, it simplifies management of temporal entities and their names.

Note that a particular temporal interval can have multiple names.  For example, the time interval denoted by 2013-11-08T14:00-06:00 (an ISO8601 standard name for 2p Central Standard Time on Friday, November 8, 2013) has at least 23 other names (in different time zones):  2013-11-08T15:00-05:00, 2013-11-08T20:00Z, 2013-11-09T05:00+09:00, etc.  Note that the date is actually different in the last name from the others.

For every temporal entity for which we store a name, we ought to also store the UTC name (2013-11-08T20:00Z) in the RTS ideally.


  1. Captures the assignment of the IUI to the name in addition to the name
  2. Implicit type of the name is Proper name from the Proper Names Ontology.
  3. Implicit relationship between the name and the temporal entity it designates is designates.
  4. Every Ten template is associated with one Te template.  A Te template may be associated with multiple Ten templates.
iuipThe IUI of the name of the temporal regionIUIs that designate a temporal region must first be assigned using a Te template.
iuiaThe IUI that designates the entity who asserted this name for the temporal entity. 
taThe IUI that designates the temporal region at which this PtoU assertion was made 
iuiteThe IUI of the temporal entity that this name designates.There must be a Te template that assigns this IUI.
nameThe name itself, ideally as a Unicode stringFor example: 2013-11-08T18:00-02:00
nsThe IUI of the naming system to which the name belongsFor example, Gregorian Calendar, Hebrew Calendar, Chinese Calendar, etc. ISO 8601 is a standard for formatting names according to the Gregorian Calendar.
iuitThe IUI of the Ten template itselfEvery template gets an IUI that is referenced minimally by one metadata template.


The particular-to-particular template captures the assertion that a relationship holds between a set of particulars.

iuipThe IUI that designates the particular that is the subject of this template 
iuiaThe IUI that designates the author of this template 
taThe IUI that designates the temporal region at which this PtoP assertion was made 
pThe set of IUIs that denote that particulars that stand in the relation rThe first IUI in the set is redundant with iuip. Also, typically these will be binary relations, and there will only be two IUIs in this set. However, there is nothing inherent to referent tracking that limits the PtoP template to binary relations, and relations of any arity can be accomodated.
rThe relation that holds between the particulars 
iuioThe IUI of the ontology from which r was obtainedIncreasingly, this parameter seems irrelevant. Although MIREOT allows that a given URI for a relation could come from any number of ontologies, it is not clear that it is valuable to say which one it came from specifically.
trThe temporal region during which the relation r holds between the particulars (p) 
iuitThe IUI of the template itselfEvery template gets an IUI that is referenced minimally by one metadata template.


The particular-lacks-universal template captures the assertion that a given particular does not stand in a given relation r to any instance of a given universal.  For example, we would use this template to assert that a person has not had a cough for the past 4 weeks (i.e., he has not participated in any coughing processes during the 4 week interval ending today).

iuipThe IUI that designates the particular that is the subject of this template 
iuiaThe IUI that designates the author of this template 
taThe IUI that designates the temporal region at which this PtoU assertion was made 
rThe relation that does not hold between the particular denoted by iuip and any instance of the universal denoted by uui 
uuiThe UUI that designates the universal to which the particular is not related by rTypically a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) from an OWL ontology. But not necessary.
iuioThe IUI of the ontology from which uui and r were obtainedIncreasingly, this parameter seems irrelevant. Although MIREOT allows that a given URI for a universal could come from any number of ontologies, it is not clear that it is valuable to say which one it came from specifically. Furthermore, we might have taken the relation (inst) and uui from different ontologies. It is not clear how to handle that situation either.
trThe temporal region during which the relation r does not hold between the particular (iuip) and universal (uui) 
iuitThe IUI of the template itselfEvery template gets an IUI that is referenced minimally by one metadata template.


The particular-to-concept template captures the annotation of a given particular with a particular concept.  The inclusion of this template is meant to accommodate the many concept-based terminologies in existence at the time of this writing.  Note that the semantics are very weak here.  The template does not necessarily assert that the particular is of a given type, is related to other particulars through a given relation, or is not related to types via a given relation.  

For example, annotation of a particular with something "diabetes mellitus without complication" does not mean the particular is an instance of Disease (in fact, the particular being annotated with this concept is most likely to be an instance of Organism).  It does not guarantee that the particular is related to an instance of disease: consider a particular annotated with the concept "scheduled operation".  No operation exists, because it hasn't happened yet!  And it does not guarantee that the particular has no bearer of relation to Decubitus ulcer (sometimes a complication of diabetes mellitus) because some concept-based systems classify it elsewhere.

iuipThe IUI that designates the particular that is the subject of this template 
iuiaThe IUI that designates the author of this template 
taThe IUI that designates the temporal region at which this PtoU assertion was made 
coThe concept code with which the particular (iuip) is being annotated 
cThe IUI of the system of concepts from which co was taken. 
trThe temporal region during which the annotation holds between the particular (iuip) and concept (co)This parameter should probably be optional in this template. From a concept-based perspective, the fact that this annotation holds at any time during the history of the particular is adequate to assert an annotation. Trying to get too much precision out of concept codes is probably not worth the effort.
iuitThe IUI of the template itselfEvery template gets an IUI that is referenced minimally by one metadata template.


The particular-to-digital entity template captures the assertion that a given information content entity is concretized by a string of characters and/or numerals that are encoded in binary digits.  Note that the purist approach to RT would assign an IUI to each unique string within a set of characters.  However, it seems inefficient and trying to synchronize the IUIs for "befuddled" among two or more RTSs would be "befuddling" indeed.

iuipThe IUI that designates the particular that is the subject of this template 
iuiaThe IUI that designates the author of this template 
taThe IUI that designates the temporal region at which this PtoDE assertion was made 
rThe relation that holds between the particular denoted by iuip and the universal denoted by uuiMostly we just use is concretized by. Not clear what other relations would be appropriate, but we maintain the flexibility nonetheless.
deThe digital entity itselfMostly we'll just have strings here (probably UTF-8 or ASCII or in case of Mac some other encoding)
uuiThe UUI that designates the universal to which the particular is relatedTypically a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) from an OWL ontology. But not necessary. It would say whether the encoding is Unicode (and even then UTF-8 or UTF-16), ASCII, big or little endian double/float, integer, long, etc.
iuioThe IUI of the ontology from which uui and inst were obtainedIncreasingly, this parameter seems irrelevant. Although MIREOT allows that a given URI for a universal could come from any number of ontologies, it is not clear that it is valuable to say which one it came from specifically. Furthermore, we might have taken the relation (inst) and uui from different ontologies. It is not clear how to handle that situation either.
trThe temporal region during which the relation r holds between the particular (iuip) and universal (uui)It is not entirely clear with this temporal region would be. The fact that someone's name is concretized as "William Hogan" would hold from the time that that name for the person began to exist, typically at or shortly after birth. But then the name outlives the individual, so this temporal region would be different than the interval occpied by the person's history, although both intervals would have the same left boundary.
iuitThe IUI of the template itselfEvery template gets an IUI that is referenced minimally by one metadata template.


Per our metadata template reformulation, each metadata template represents some event that occurred in the RTS.

iuitThe IUI that designates the template undergoing changeAll changes are carried out through insertion, invalidation, or revalidation of a template (that is an instance of one of the above types of templates) 
iuidThe IUI that designates the entity who made the change 
tdThe time when the change was madeTo avoid complexities of using temporal region IUIs here, we simply use an ISO8601 compliant date/time string (e.g., 2013-10-31T14:48:32.234-05:00)
CTThe type of changeI = insertion, X = invalidation, R = revalidation
CThe reason for the changeCR = change in relevance, CE = change in reality, CB = change in belief, XR = recognition of error
ECThe type of error that is being rectified by the changeThere is a huge list of change reasons. Some of them are applicable only to A templates, some only to PtoU templates, some only to PtoP templates, etc.
SThe IUI(s) of the template(s) that contain corrected information in the event that C = XRFor example, if a duplicate IUI was assigned to a person, then we would invalidate the second (later of the two) assignment template. This parameter would then point to the original, good IUI assignment (whereas the iuit parameter would point to the A template that is being invalidated).