OMRSE - Natural Language Definitions
Terms needing better natural language definitions
Person health care provider role
Party to a legal entity, and four decedents
Health care provider organization role
Integrated delivery network
Physician practice
Aggregate of dependencies
Aggregate of major administrative subdivisions
NLDs based on Wikipedia
Gender role
Nurse role
- Change female gender role and male gender role accordingly
Physician role
Patient role
NLD does not match the genus in the ontology
human health care role
patient role
physician role
nurse role
hospital role
legal person role
Proposed Definitions for terms
Proposed definitions: A human social role that
Party-to-a-legal-entity, and four decedents
Proposed definition: A role in social human process that …
Proposed definition: A party to a legal entity that …
Proposed definition: A party to a legal entity that …
Proposed definition: A party to a legal agreement that …
Proposed definition: A party to a legal entity that …
Proposed definitions: An organization health care role that …
Comment: Definition needed, but the idea is that we want to differentiate between provider and payer organizations. Some organizaitons have both roles (e.g., UPMC has a Hospital Division, a Physician Divison, and an Insurance Division).
Proposed definitions: A healthcare provider organization role that …
Proposed definitions: A healthcare provider organization role that …
Proposed definitions: An aggregate of geopolitical organization in which every member is a geopolitical dependency
Proposed definitions: An aggregate of geopolitical organization in which every member is a major administrative subdivision
Gender-role – I would like to look at this extensively and develop the typology further. For example, phenotypic gender, karyotic gender, etc. as well different gender types, male, female, trans*, queer, etc.
Current Definition: A human social role borne by a human being being realized in behaviour which is considered socially appropriate for individuals of a specific sex in the context of a specific culture.
Proposed Definition: A human social role that …
Physician role
Current Definition: A health care role borne by a human being and realized by promoting, maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury and other physical and mental impairments.
Proposed Definition: A health care provider role that …
Patient role
Current Definition: A role borne by an organism being as the recipient of a health care service.
Proposed Definition: A human social role that …
Current definition: A human social role that is realized by health care processes such as seeking or providing treatment for disease and injury, diagnosing disease and injury, or undergoing diagnosis.
Proposed definition: a role in human social processes that is realized by health care processes such as seeking or providing treatment for disease and injury, diagnosing disease and injury, or undergoing diagnosis. (This still needs work***)
Nurse role
Current Definition – A health care role borne by a human being and realized by the care of individuals, families, and communities so they may attain, or recover optimal health and quality of life.
Proposed definition – A health care provider role that …
Hospital role
Current Definition: A role borne by an organization and realized by providing healthcare services by healthcare professionals of multiple different disciplines of medicine and enabling stationary treatment.
Proposed Definition: A health care provider role that …