We have decided to model documented instances of sex and gender identity in OMRSE rather than sex and gender themselves. The reason for this because it is usually discrepancies in documentation that cause problems when delivering health care to transgendered and inter-sexed individuals. For example, ordering a pap smear for a patient whose documented sex/gender in an EHR is male and billing that service with an insurance company who also has been identified as male with their insurance company is often problematic.
In 2010 - the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report on the health lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons recommends issued a report recommending that data on gender identity and sexual orientation be collected in electronic health records ( EHRs ) and that this goal be incorporated into meaningful-use objectives. As a result several LGBT health organizations such as the Fenway Institute and The Center for Excellence for Transgender Health have conducted research and issued recommendations regarding the best way to gather information about gender identity. They recommend a two-part question.
- What is your current gender identity?
- What was your sex assigned at birth?