Drug Ontology Home
Welcome the Drug Ontology (DrOn) Wiki!
The Drug Ontology (DrOn) was originally created to enable comparative effectiveness and health services researchers to query for National Drug Codes that represent products by ingredient, by molecular disposition (e.g., beta-adrenergic receptor molecule blockade), by therapeutic disposition (e.g., antihypertensive), and by physiological effect (e.g., diuretic).
2016-08-04: New version of DrOn released!
We have updated DrOn to include all cumulative updates to RxNorm through May, 2016.
This version adds a new module to DrOn: dron-hand.owl. You need to update any processes you have that read the individual, module OWL files to include this file as well.
Beginning with this release, DrOn contains:
- Anti-hypertensives: information on whether a drug product is used to treat hypertension.
- Anti-malarials: information on whether a drug product is used to treat and/or prophylax against malaria.
- Opioid analgesics: mechanisms of action and information on whether opioid drug products are used to treat pain.
2015-07-31: New version of DrOn released!
We have updated DrOn to include all cumulative updates to RxNorm through July, 2015.
Please note: the previous release of DrOn added a new module, dron-ingredient.owl. You need to update any processes you have that read the individual, module OWL files to include this file as well.
Beginning with this release, DrOn contains:
- Dose form information now correctly captured for nearly all drug products
- Information on whether ingredient is an angiotensin receptor blocker (function-inhibiting angiotensin receptor binding disposition)
- Corrections to existing mechanisms of action that were missing from some ingredients
- Fix to malformed URI for has_RxCUI annotation property
The PURL to DrOn Lite is: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/dron/dev/dron-lite.owl
The PURL to DrOn Full is: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/dron.owl
Statistics for this release:
Type of entity | Count | Change from last release (April 2015) |
National drug codes | 449,725 | 10,356 |
Ingredients | 4,469 | 341 |
Clinical drug form | 14,187 | 152 |
Clinical drug | 35,857 | 1,297 |
Branded drug | 21,248 | 0 |
Excipients | 1,434 | 341 |
Where to get DrOn
The permanent URL (PURL) for the latest release of DrOn will always be at: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/dron.owl
The PURL for the development version of DrOn will always be at: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/dron/dev/dron.owl
Log an Issue
The issue tracker for DrOn is here.
Uses of DrOn
An application that uses DrOn to generate lists of National Drug Codes (NDCs) with certain ingredients (e.g., metoprolol), or with ingredients that have certain properties (beta-adrenergic inhibition), is the Ingredient Searcher. Try it here.
Notes and Disclaimers
DrOn contains content curated by the National Library of Medicine in RxNORM.
Recent space activity
Space contributors
- William Hogan (3121 days ago)
- Dwayne Dobbins (4306 days ago)